Shetland pony Ali
Ali, cute Shetland pony, is kind and calm. She loves brushing, petting, and hanging out with Nelli, his horse friend. Ali is one of Hiidenniemi farm´s favorite animals. He takes children to a ride on the farm. Ali can also be cared for, saddled and incensed with the...
Lufthansa and Finnair have landed – Summer 2019 memories
Hiidenniemi Farm had a busy summer. We want to share the summer memoirs to everyone’s delight. Construction were made eg. as for the summer kitchen, the barn has been refurbished and cast new ground. New animals also came to the farm during the summer: the...
Thoughts of Tahti dog and Kyllikki chicken
By following our blog you will hear more about the farm and the daily life of the animals and the staff in the farm. Follow us also in Instagram and Facebook. Now we will introduce you some of the farm animals, Tahti dog and Kyllikki chicken. You can...